How to choose the right composite manufacturing method for your mechanical parts?In recent years with the recent improvements to composite manufacturing technologies, composite mechanical parts have become more relevant…Jul 20, 2022Jul 20, 2022
Continuous Composite Manufacturing: PultrusionOne of the biggest advantages of composites is the versatility of their manufacturing. Pultrusion parts provide high mechanical properties.Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
Composite Usage in IML RobotsComposite materials are becoming popular for the IML Robots with significant benefits over the conventional steel and aluminum robotic…May 24, 2022May 24, 2022
Pressure Vessels in Composite IndustryComposites use is getting more common in the pressure vessel industry with cutting edge manufacturing technology.May 18, 2022May 18, 2022
Paint Expo 2022 — ADComposite Robotic ArmOne of our group companies Ha-Tec Automation and our composite robotic arm are waiting for youto meet at the Paint Expo 2022!Apr 27, 2022Apr 27, 2022
Filament Winding PatternImportant part of the filament winding process is fiber orientations. Lightweight and high quality composite products can be manufactured.Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
Filament Winding ExtractorExtractor plays a key role in filament winding to ensure high mechanical properties and reliable manufacturing in composite partsAug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
Composites in AutomotiveThe composite usage in the automotive industry continues to increase with the developing technology. Since electrical automotive technology…May 22, 2021May 22, 2021
Composites in MarineMarine standards require high material property as well as reliable and standardized product quality. Because of this, the use of composite…May 15, 2021May 15, 2021
Carbon Fiber in AerospaceComposite materials are particularly inspiring for aviation and aerospace applications because of their excellent strength and…May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
Composite PipesThe most known and used composite parts are pipes of course. More specifically, glass fibers also called GRP pipes are used in the industry…May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
Filament Winding vs Hand Lay-UpDemand for composite materials is increasing with the developing technologies and manufacturing capability. Composite materials started to…May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
Carbon Fiber or Glass Fiber?They are both composite materials in basic, but it can be confusing to select which is convenient for the application. Like other material…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
Composites vs SteelComposite usage in almost all industries is rapidly increasing depending on the new developments and they are replacing steel.Apr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
Filament Winding Important ParametersComposites are mostly used where conventional parts needed a positive replacement. Filament winding opens door to new technology productionApr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
Composite BoomsBooms mostly used in aerial vehicles as a telescopic arm for multiple applications.Composite materials and filament winding offer…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
Composite Rocket BodyEfficient and cost-effective manufacturing of composite bodies becomes competitive. Aerospace industry uses carbon fiber to increase thrustMar 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021
Composite Drill PipesComposite materials have a huge impact on almost every industry. Carbon fiber provides an effective solution to extracting oil as drill…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Composite Marine MastsComposite masts are an effective solution for the marine industry by reducing weight and therefore fuel consumption with the carbon fiber.Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021